Jackton Odiwuor

Age 9

Story This is Jakcton, affectionately referred to “Omuga” by his grandfather. Omuga means Rhino in Luo. Jackton’s grandfather says it’s because he’s strong, but we have a feeling it’s also because he is a bit stubborn. Jackton is 7 years old and in Pre-Unit 2. Jackton has been on campus for just a short time, but he is not easily persuaded by the fun things on campus, he is very close with his family. He was the last born to his parents and he was just a baby when his parents died within a year of each other. Though he lives in an incredibly warm and loving home, his grandparents have been struggling to provide for him, his siblings, and their cousins who also became orphaned. There are 12 dependents in their home and the grandparents are unable to meet basic needs with their advancing age and peasant farming. Jackton’s favorite color is red, his favorite food is eggs, and he did not want to disclose his dreams for the future.

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